Friday, October 12, 2012

happy weekend!

"show mommy ears!"

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tonight is my baby sister's homecoming game and she is on the court! it will also be norah's first football game :) and tomorrow we're getting our family pictures done by our wonderful friend abby! i'm so excited! we have quick snapshots of all three of us but they are few and far between. usually all the pictures are of just norah, or norah and mark (since mom is the family photographer). we've never had a family portrait done. norah is almost two so i think we're longgg overdue! we'll also be seeing some friends and family while we're down in south jersey and we'll also be taking a trip to the pumpkin patch. last year norah just tried to eat the pumpkin stems. i think this year she'll have more fun picking one out :) have a great weekend, see you on monday!

- helping our children have healthy body images.

- and a great related article: why i walk around naked.

- and one more awesome related article: please don't tell my little girl she's pretty.

- lies i tell my toddler...definitely guilty of similar hehe.

- right here, right now. LOVE this.

- 15 memories from childhood our children won't have. this is crazy to think about!

- simple projects for kids' rooms. that playhouse bed is so cute!

- peanut butter owl cookies!

- cute painted shoes.

- hide your TV!

- "there. i said it." what's your dream?

- loving these shops. one. two. and three.


  1. I'm excited for you for your family portraits! We're doing some next month and I can't wait. I'm never in any pictures -- it's always Ethan and my husband since I take the pictures! Can't wait to see them! Have fun!

    1. thanks lindsay! i'm seriously SO excited. every once in awhile i shove the camera in my husband's hands and say YOUR TURN PLEASE but i don't always like the way they come out. i shouldn't complain, it's better than nothing! hehe.. but i will be sure to share them on here as soon as they're ready :)
